I had the opportunity to experience “breakfast in the dark” at the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired. That was a good experience to feel the difficulty of eating a…
I was happy to be back at my Rotary Club last week to discuss what’s going on in Springfield. The Rotary Club of Jacksonville #3227 is dedicated to service to…
“I had a great evening last week with so many friends at the Pike-Scott Farm Bureau Legislative Steak Fry. Thank you for all that you do for our farm families…
Last week we had a pizza party for the summer readers at the Jerseyville Public Library. What a great group of kids eager to learn more about the world and…
Last Friday, I was happy to join friends from the Leadership Council of Southwestern Illinois and colleagues from the House and Senate for a legislative update of last session. This…
CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO LISTEN TO THE PODCAST The Caucus Blog of the Illinois House Republicans: Have All Voted Who Wish: Saving Lincoln Illinois
One of the coolest parts of my job is encouraging reading and to always be learning. All of these kids would have read books through the summer but rewarding them…
State Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer (R-Murrayville) announced the winner of the second round of his photo contest is Tiffany Blasa of Grafton. Ms. Blasa’s photo captures a scene of an exhibition…
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us Tuesday Evening for a Telephone Town Hall that included a legislative session update, some live poll questions, and an opportunity…
State Representatives C.D. Davidsmeyer and Amy Elik are hosting a Telephone Town Hall for residents to talk about state issues and garner feedback from constituents. The conversation will focus on…