Davidsmeyer Tours New Workforce Development Center at John Wood Community College

Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer with the President of the Great River Economic Development Foundation, Kyle Moore (left) and JWCC President, Dr. Bryan Renfro.

Enjoyed being on the main campus and at the new workforce development facility for John Wood Community College. They really are thinking big on how to make college and tech school truly work for the next generation and anyone trying to better themselves! Thank you to Dr. Bryan Renfro for your leadership in this area!

Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer tours the new facility with (l-r) JWCC President Dr. Bryan Renfro, Great River Economic Development Foundation President Kyle Moore, students Carter Cale (Canton High School – Canton, MO), Jaren Henry (Southeastern High School, Augusta, IL), Carson Kerr (Southeastern High School), Mark Schenk (Welding Instructor), and Aiden Akers (Southeastern High School).

A ribbon cutting was celebrated on May 29, 2024, for the Workforce Development Center expansion project. The expansion added 14,170 square feet to JWCC’s WDC facility located at 2710 North 42nd Street in Quincy. It includes a new Truck Driver Training addition, expanded space for HVAC and business and industry training, and a remodel of the current interior to include expanded space for welding, mixed/virtual reality learning, industrial maintenance and manufacturing, robotics and automation, and flexible use space for new programs. Additionally, a new vehicle entrance off 42nd Street and a larger parking area were added. A new computer-aided design lab was sponsored by Gardner Denver, and the community commons area was funded by the Rotary Club of Quincy.

This $6 million expansion provides state-of-the-art training opportunities for students to gain relevant skills in the most in-demand fields to meet the area’s workforce needs, creating and retaining head-of-household positions, attract private investment and strengthening resiliency throughout the region.