Davidsmeyer focused on stopping illegal immigration

At a Capitol news conference Tuesday, Assistant Republican Leader C.D. Davidsmeyer (R-Murrayville) joined his House Republican colleagues to highlight a legislative package focused on stopping illegal immigration in Illinois.

Under the Biden Administration’s Open Border policy, the United States and the State of Illinois were unable to keep up with the flood of migrants coming into the country. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, Illinois is home to the fifth most foreign nationals in the country, with at least 530,000 illegal immigrants residing across the state.

“The surge of illegal immigrants into Illinois has led to a string of horrific crimes, endangered public safety, and has blown a huge hole in our already-strained budget,” Rep. Davidsmeyer said.

Representative Davidsmeyer is sponsoring legislation (HB 1317) to repeal the Illinois TRUST Act, a misguided law that prohibits law enforcement agencies from working with federal authorities to detain and deport illegal immigrants. Davidsmeyer’s bill would end Illinois’ failed sanctuary state policy.

“The truth is the Democrats’ sanctuary state policy has cost Illinois taxpayers billions of dollars and made our communities less safe,” Davidsmeyer said. “And the Democrats’ giveaways to illegal immigrants are incentives for them to come to Illinois. If you build it, they will come. And they did.”

On Governor Pritzker’s watch, the State has spent $2.2 billion in taxpayer funds on healthcare benefits for immigrant adults. In total, over $3 billion have been spent on services for migrants and illegal immigrants, while services for our most vulnerable citizens remain chronically underfunded and underserved.

Davidsmeyer has filed House Bill 1456 to end the massively expensive HBIA/HBIS program.

“With an estimated $1.2 billion budget deficit, we simply cannot afford this budget buster anymore,” Davidsmeyer added.

Representative Davidsmeyer also filed House Bill 3417 to exempt the Illinois Department of Corrections from the restrictions placed on law enforcement by the TRUST Act.

“Convicted criminal aliens should no longer be held, at taxpayers’ expense, in our prisons. They should be processed and deported by federal authorities,” said Davidsmeyer.

Another bill in the immigration package (HB 3534)would increase Medicaid transparency, including for non-citizens, by requiring HFS to annually publish online a comprehensive report of its receipts and expenditures under the Medical Assistance program.

“With over half-a-million illegal immigrants in Illinois, we should be working with the Trump Administration to secure the border and deport dangerous criminal aliens,” Davidsmeyer said. “I will continue to fight for legislation and a state budget that prioritizes the needs of Illinois working families and seniors over illegal immigrants.”


Watch Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer’s remarks on illegal immigration from a Capitol news conference held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025.